
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

How to Handle Incoming Leads
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

I get many requests each week from readers who want to know how they should deal with incoming “warm” leads. “These leads are more qualified because they are calling in," I hear over and over. But we all know this isn't necessarily true is it? In fact this attitude leads to the biggest mistake 80% of your competition is making when they receive warm leads --

“They go into pitch mode rather than qualification mode."

80% of your competition mistake the “implied interest" of a call in to mean they are already qualified, and all they need to do is explain their product or service. Wrong!

The Top 20%, on the other hand, know that warm leads can be some of the biggest time wasters of all, so they do what they always do -- disqualify people who are “just looking” so that they can identify the real buyers, and they do this by asking questions rather than pitching.

Here are some great questions to ask the next time you get a warm lead:

“Thank you for contacting us today, what was it about our ad/promotion/website that caused you to call us today?" [Listen for the buying motive]

“Who else are you looking into?” [Listen for your competition]

“What do you like best so far?"

“How long have you been thinking about (buying, investing, changing) something like this?" Then,

“What has kept you from acting on this?” [Listen for possible objections]

“When are you looking to make a decision on this?"

You see how this goes. Just remember, to be a Top 20% producer, you have to begin finding buyers -- whatever the lead source. So stop pitching and start qualifying! Remember, it's still up to you to find and separate the buyers from the non-buyers.

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, has been a top 20% producer for over 20 years. He works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of top 20% performance. To read more about Mike Brooks click here.

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, offers FREE Teleseminars, FREE Closing Scripts, and a FREE audio program designed to help you double your income selling over the phone. If you want to Close Business like a Top Closer, then learn how at:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great informative info! Thanks