
Monday, November 19, 2007

Voicemail: The 5 Golden Rules
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

I remember a time -- and it doesn't seem like that long ago -- when voicemail was all the rage. There was no e-mail, so people tended to honor and even return voicemail messages. It was a good time...

But that's history now. E-mail has changed everything, and people now hit the delete button on their voicemail messages the instant the they hear something they don't like -- which is usually when it's a message from an unknown inside sales rep. What to do?

The good news is that there are some rules you can follow that will give you the best chance at getting your prospect to maybe call you back.

And I say maybe because people are simply too busy to call people back -- especially a sales call

To give yourself the best chance of being one of the lucky few who do get called back, follow the 5 Golden Rules of voicemail messages, and cross your fingers -- a little luck never hurts.

Golden Rule #1 -- Be specific.

It is imperative to do some research and leave a message that specifically addresses a problem or event that your prospect is dealing with. For example, if you find out on their website that they are opening a new branch or division in another city, mention this and tie it in with your value proposal. And always use their first name. Something like:

"Hi Barbara, Mike Brooks here with HMS software. I'm calling about your new office that's opening in Houston next month, and I wanted to provide you with some ideas that may help with your networking issues. We work with a lot of companies in the area, and I think you'll find it useful if we talk.

You can reach me by calling area code (800) 222-0568. That number again is area code (800) 222-0568, and ask for Mike Brooks. I look forward speaking with you and thanks for returning my call.”

Golden Rule #2 -- Use a script.

You absolutely must script out exactly what you're going to say. Nothing gets your message deleted quicker than a series of ums and ahs. People are way too busy to sit through -- let alone call back -- a message that rambles on and on by someone who doesn't appear to know why they are calling.

Also, by scripting your message you can create great content ahead of time and delivered like a professional -- unlike the other 80% of the messages they get.

Golden Rule #3 -- State their problem and offer a solution.

Did you notice that in the voicemail sample in rule #1, I mentioned a specific event (their move) and a possible problem (networking issues) as well as potential solutions to their problems (some ideas that may help you)?

This is the winning voicemail formula -- mention specific problems your prospect is having and offer your solutions to them. Prospects are only thinking about themselves and will only be interested in you if you can help them solve their problems.

By addressing this in your voicemail, you stand the best possible chance at getting your call returned.

Golden Rule #4 Mention how your solution has worked for others in their industry.

Did you notice in the sample voicemail message the part about “we work with a lot of other companies in your area"? People want to work with, and in fact feel comfortable working with, people who understand their business. If you have experience at solving other company’s problems, then your prospect will want the same solution as well.

Everyone wants to work with successful companies and if other companies are using you, they figure you've got to be doing something right.

Golden Rule #5 – Never, ever leave more than two messages.

After you leave your first message, wait at least a week before you leave a second. And if that doesn't get returned, move on.

The last thing you want to be is a pest and a desperate one at that. After two messages, your prospect has your name and number, and if they are interested they will call you back. And if they don't then you get to spend time looking for someone who will.

In conclusion: to give your voicemail messages the best chance of being returned, follow these 5 Golden Rules. And make sure to have a solid script ready for when they do call back!

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, offers FREE Closing Scripts, and a FREE audio program designed to help you double your income selling over the phone. He works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of top 20% performance. If you want to Close Business like a Top Closer, then learn how at:

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How to Hire Successful Sales Reps
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

Many business owners and sales managers ask me if I have a proven system or a way to identify and hire top sales reps. They have tried everything, they tell me. They check references, review similar work experiences, talk to ex co-workers, hold multiple job interviews, and sometimes they even spring for some high priced fancy sales aptitude matrix tests.

Even with all that, however, many sales managers still haven't found a way to identify who will actually perform well and work hard, versus who will merely show up, take up space and drive up costs by sending out brochures, running up phone bills, squandering leads etc. “How can you tell?” They ask me.

Well I've got good news for you. There is one technique that I've used successfully for years that will immediately separate who is for real and who's not. It doesn't require any special tests, it can be done on the first interview, and it will always tell you what kind of sales rep you’ve got in front of you. Here's what you do:

During the course of the interview simply describe the service or product you're selling, and ask them if they think they would do well selling it. Almost all that will say, “Oh, of course!" (Those who don't dismiss immediately!)

After that, tell them you want to get an idea of how they would handle some of the common objections you get this sale, and then give them three or four objections (one at a time, of course) and let them respond to them. That's it!

Several things happen here -- all of which accurately reveal what kind of sales rep you're dealing with. They usually fallen into three categories:

The “A” Players -- The top reps or sales reps who are well-trained and confident, will handle each objection with a recognizable rebuttal, and the really good ones will even ask for the sale at the end. You will instantly know who they are. You hire these reps right away.

The “B” Players -- This group of sales reps will also answer the objections, but their responses will be less polished. With this group the lack of any formal training will show through, and you will be faced with the decision of whom you think can or can’t be trained. Part of this group will be uncomfortable with the objections and you will be able to tell that they probably never will be comfortable with them. Your choice of who to hire from this group should be pretty clear.

The “C: Players -- A common response from this group will be something like this: “Well, I really don't know your product so I really wouldn't be able to answer these objections." What they're really saying, of course, is that they have no idea how to respond to an objection, they have no confidence, and the reason they are here looking for a job will be glaringly clear to both of you. You pass on this group altogether.

Try this powerful technique during your next interview. You will be amazed by how well it works. Simply give them an objection, then sit back, listen and observe. You will know instantly if you're dealing with a real closer or someone who is just going to fill a chair. Happy hiring!

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:
5 Secrets to Exercising Authority
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

If you are a sales manager or business owner, then you probably know and understand that fine line between being a leader and exercising authority, and trying to fit in as part of the team and wanting people to like you. Managers struggle with this all the time, and many would be leaders lose their ability to successfully direct their teams because they are afraid of exercising this authority for fear of alienating other team members.

The problem is that most managers and other figures of authority -- Directors, V.P.’s, Business Owners -- have never been taught how to properly exercise authority and command respect as leaders.

If you find yourself in this position, follow this proven, 5-step method for exercising authority. It will not only get results, but it will establish, or re-establish, your role as leader of your sales team or department.

#1) Make sure your instructions are clear. Having ambiguous goals, or methods of achieving them, automatically undermines your authority and dooms many projects from the beginning. Rule #1 -- be clear on the goal and the instructions on how to accomplish it. After you have delivered them, ask your team if they have any questions about what is required, so problems can be cleared up from the beginning.

#2) Encourage people to approach you if they run into problems. Establishing open communication and feedback early on is crucial to avoid big disappointments later. Helping team members resolve problems as they arise ensures quick resolution, continued progress, and good morale.

#3) Take action quickly when you learn of any real problems. Failing to act quickly once you learn of a problem, or putting it off for days or weeks, not only undermines your authority, but kills morale and confidence. Problems tend to get bigger the longer they go unresolved, and your job as a leader is to solve problems not avoid them.

#4) Insist your team report all the news -- good and bad. So many companies treat bad news like the plague. Sales teams are taught to “always be positive," but an attitude of “always be accurate and let's find a way to succeed," is more productive (and realistic). In meetings and one-on-ones, your goal should be to motivate as well as problem solve. Always encourage your team to report all the news.

#5) Use crises as an opportunity to develop people. You are a leader for a reason! Rather than shy away from a crisis (a big deal lost, unexpected bad news, major delay in delivery, etc.), teach your team members how to find opportunity in crises and how to grow as professionals and as people. Focus on the skills or attitudes that are needed to overcome the situation, and work with them to develop and strengthen them.

This 5-step method to exercising authority is powerful and will establish you as a leader and as the “Go To" person in your company. And isn't that why you are in a position of authority to begin with? Redefine your position of leadership by using and expanding on the 5 secrets above, and involve and build your team while you lead them to greater heights.

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:

Friday, July 27, 2007

Find the Buying Motive
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

Last week a closer shared this situation with me: she was asking for the order from a prospect when he announced that he had done some research and found that a competitor had a lower price for the same service.

He said that if she could match the price then he would go with her company. She told me the problem was she couldn't match the price. What should she have done? She asked me.

My answer was – “Find his real buying motive."

I told her I would have asked the prospect the following question: "_________ I'm not saying I can match this price, but if I can, and with all things being equal, why would you go with me and my company and not the other?"

I told her that one question would reveal why he preferred her company, and that buying motive would become the leverage she needed to close the sale right then.

In the end, even though she couldn't match the price, she revealed that the prospect called back and purchased the service from her. I asked why and she said the prospect explained that he liked the way she dealt with him, took time with him, and explained things thoroughly.

This was his real buying motive and it outweighed the difference in price. Had she asked the question suggested earlier she probably would have been able to close the sale earlier as well.

In the end, understanding your clients real buying motive can often mean the difference between making the sale or not. And as we've seen, sometimes all you need to do is ask a simple question to find that out.
Have a great week!

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:
The 5 Elements of a Qualified Lead
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

People ask me all the time what I think makes up a qualified lead. It's simple, I tell them. There are five things that every Top 20% producer knows when he or she hangs up the phone with a prospect.

Know these five things and chances are real good you're going to close this prospect. Leave one out -- or two out -- and chances are even better that you're never going to close this prospect.

It's a simple as that.

Here are the five things you need to know about every prospect you speak with:

#1) Decision maker and decision process. When speaking with your prospect, you need to be real clear on whether or not they are the sole decision maker, or who else is involved. Are there more than two involved in the final decision?

Also, what is the decision process like? What's involved? Who's in charge? If you're not absolutely clear on this when you get off the phone, you don't have a qualified lead.

#2) Time frame. Part of knowing who and how the decision is made also involves knowing the time frame for making the decision. You must be clear on when they need your product or service, what type of urgency there is (if any), and when they are making the final decision.

Moreover, after getting this information, you need to be clear about what needs to happen next.

#3) Other quotes. You also need to know what other quotes, products, solutions, or options your prospect is considering. If they have a regular vendor and are getting other bids, you especially need to know:

How many other bids are they getting?
Why they are looking for other bids? (Do they just need to get to other bids before going with last year's vendor?)
What are they looking for in another bid/product/solution?
What will make yours the one they choose?

#4) Buying motives (needs and wants). It is crucial for you to have a clear understanding of what is truly motivating your prospect to buy. Only when you know this will you be able to pitch to their listening. You must be able to answer these questions.

What exactly is the prospect looking for?
What are their unique buying motives?
What do you need to say to sell them?

#5) Why they won't buy. Just as important as knowing why they'll buy is knowing why they won't buy from you. When you hang up the phone you need to know:

Why are they really getting another quote?
What are some of their sore spots?
What are they trying to avoid?
Why won't they buy?

These five elements are the bare minimum of what you need to know about every prospect you qualify. These points form the basis of your qualifying checklist, and you need to have scripted questions that you ask on each and every call to find these thing out. You do have a qualifying checklist don’t you?
If not, use the above questions to form your initial checklist and start finding and qualifying buyers today!

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

A Great Qualifying Call
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

A few weeks ago, my neighbor put in a new driveway using beautiful paving stones that dramatically improved the look of his property.

Comparing my old asphalt driveway, I quickly went over to one of the installers and asked for an estimate. “You have to call our office," he explained as he gave me their business card.

Later that day I called and left a message expressing interest in their paving stones, and I left my cell number as the best way to reach me.

What happened next was one of the best sales calls I’ve heard in years.

A couple of days later a woman named Brenda called and explained that she was returning MY call about their driveways.

The first thing she asked was how I heard of them. I told her my neighbor had them install a new driveway, and she took down his complete address.

Next she asked me what I was interested in (she then listened very carefully and did not interrupt). I told her I wanted the same kind of paving stones my neighbor had, and I asked if she could send someone out to give me an estimate.

She said she would be glad to do that, but first she needed to explain how they worked.

She began by telling me about the process and quality of their work. She said that first they removed the existing asphalt driveway and hauled everything away. Next they prepared the driveway by digging and leveling 12 inches deep and by pouring high-grade sand. They then packed it down to where it was as strong as concrete.

Next they installed the paving stones and filled in the spaces with a premium finish sand and that my new driveway was guaranteed not to crack or fade for as long as I owned my home.

She then stopped and asked me if this was what I was looking for (great qualifying question here).

I said yes.

Next she said that the cost of their minimum job was $6000 and that would cover an area of approximately 600 feet.

She then asked if that was within my budget (very impressed by this money qualifying question – very direct).

I said yes it was.

She then asked if weekdays or weekends were best for my appointment.

I told her weekends.

She then found two time slots for the next Saturday and asked, “Is 10 AM good or is 1 PM better for you?"

I took the 10 AM spot (figuring it would only be about 90 degrees by then).

She then said it was important that both my wife and I were there for the appointment and asked me if we both would be.

I said yes.

She then went on to confirm all the details and gave me the name and cell phone number of the closer, er, sales rep who would be out that next Saturday.

When I hung up the phone, I marveled at how the call had gone. I already felt closed! Having the sales rep out the next week felt almost like a formality. This was one well-trained sales team. They generated the kind of leads I'd like to work if I were an outside sales rep, and as a Top 20% producer, this is how you should be qualifying as well.

Are they missing out on some appointments by being so thorough? Probably.

But are they missing out on any real buyers? Probably not.

The lesson here is that by properly qualifying your prospects you can be sure you are only going to be pitching those most likely to buy.

Remember -- you don't need practice pitching unqualified leads.

This week, analyze your own qualifying questions and see where you can strengthen your initial call. Remember, the close always starts there.

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, has been a top 20% producer for over 20 years. He works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of top 20% performance. To read more about Mike Brooks click here.

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, offers FREE Teleseminars, FREE Closing Scripts, and a FREE audio program designed to help you double your income selling over the phone. If you want to Close Business like a Top Closer, then learn how at:
How to Handle Incoming Leads
by Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

I get many requests each week from readers who want to know how they should deal with incoming “warm” leads. “These leads are more qualified because they are calling in," I hear over and over. But we all know this isn't necessarily true is it? In fact this attitude leads to the biggest mistake 80% of your competition is making when they receive warm leads --

“They go into pitch mode rather than qualification mode."

80% of your competition mistake the “implied interest" of a call in to mean they are already qualified, and all they need to do is explain their product or service. Wrong!

The Top 20%, on the other hand, know that warm leads can be some of the biggest time wasters of all, so they do what they always do -- disqualify people who are “just looking” so that they can identify the real buyers, and they do this by asking questions rather than pitching.

Here are some great questions to ask the next time you get a warm lead:

“Thank you for contacting us today, what was it about our ad/promotion/website that caused you to call us today?" [Listen for the buying motive]

“Who else are you looking into?” [Listen for your competition]

“What do you like best so far?"

“How long have you been thinking about (buying, investing, changing) something like this?" Then,

“What has kept you from acting on this?” [Listen for possible objections]

“When are you looking to make a decision on this?"

You see how this goes. Just remember, to be a Top 20% producer, you have to begin finding buyers -- whatever the lead source. So stop pitching and start qualifying! Remember, it's still up to you to find and separate the buyers from the non-buyers.

If you found this article helpful, then you can get 10 more GREAT TECHNIQUES for FREE by downloading my Special Report, “10 Techniques to Instantly Make You a Better Closer.” You can read about this by clicking here: and you can get it for FREE by signing up for my FREE weekly Ezine, “The Secrets of the Top 20%” by clicking here:

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, has been a top 20% producer for over 20 years. He works with business owners and inside sales reps nationwide teaching them the skills, strategies and techniques of top 20% performance. To read more about Mike Brooks click here.

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales, offers FREE Teleseminars, FREE Closing Scripts, and a FREE audio program designed to help you double your income selling over the phone. If you want to Close Business like a Top Closer, then learn how at: